Hedonistic Sustainability
A few years ago, the term "sustainability" was almost named the unword of the year. And rightly so - in our opinion! Also, or precisely because we use the word "sustainability" quite often at Avaneo Hotels, it is a real concern for us to use the term with care.
"Sustainable" has obviously become a synonym for lasting, long-term, consistent and stable - or is it simply a label for an endeavour oriented towards the future? The now inflationary use of the term "sustainability" has ensured its rapid attrition and reduced the character of the original unique selling point to absurdity. Suddenly everything is sustainable and we ask ourselves: "Will everything now suddenly be all right"?
One thing is certain: "sustainability" has become the motto of many people - whether in politics or in corporate culture. But does this sustainability really have to do with reforestation? Clearly: No! Probably there is simply a lack of creative power or - this coincides with our experience - is it simply "green brainwashing"?
The fact is that the majority of people perceive the term as a buzzword without knowing its real meaning. Originally, the term "sustainability" actually comes from forestry. Wood should only be felled as much as could grow back in the forests. With a view to future generations, their use should be preserved.
Avaneo Hotels lives up to this actual meaning of "sustainability" in every respect: The building materials, above all wood, were only used from sustainably managed forests and only to the extent necessary to realize the project and the desired effects (insulation, indoor climate, etc.).
Although the building appears to be predominantly made of concrete, it consists of over 70 % wood. Pure exposed concrete was only used in places where fire protection required it or where the industrial style demanded it as a design element.
How can sustainability be hedonistic?
Hedonism in connection with sustainability is in principle quite simple:
"Sustainable action and business must be enjoyable and not hurtful."
At Avaneo Hotels, we show that sustainable action does not go hand in hand with a loss of quality of life. Doing good should not cause a feeling of renunciation, it should rather improve life and give pleasure.
It is important that all materials and resources are only used where they actually make sense and, at best, fulfill a dual function. Today - in every respect - many things are feasible. Whether this is really all always sensible, questionable or economical does not necessarily play a role in the question of implementation.
- At Avaneo Hotels, we support the change of perception and encourage reflection.
- We have understood the demands of society, created space for them and filled everyday life with passion.
- We make ordinary things extraordinary.
Less is more: learning from the Scandinavians
Scandinavian countries discovered it a long time ago: Less is more! It's not for nothing that the "northerners" are pioneers in design and living culture worldwide.
Until the 20th century, life in the North was hard and the coffers were only modestly filled. The typical houses were furnished in a practical and functional way. There was neither time nor money for elaborate decoration. Even more than in other regions of Europe, modern design in Scandinavia aimed to make people's lives easier and simpler.
Reduced design, although restrained, is by no means cool and forbidding, but rather puts people and their needs for well-being and comfort in the foreground.
We are convinced: simple and well-made products make life better and more beautiful. That's why The Bricks Hotels mainly and exclusively use natural materials such as wood and natural fibres, modern and timeless, combined with pure exposed concrete and glass to create an arc of tension between the materials.
In buildings, it is not only a matter of the greatest possible thermal insulation and energy saving, but rather also of the building biology aspects. The increase in numerous diseases and allergies can be increasingly attributed to unhealthy living conditions. These are found particularly often in highly insulated new and renovated old buildings.
At Avaneo Hotels, in addition to wood as a natural building material, we also use ecological natural fibre boards in the interior and exterior. The use of composite panels improves the indoor climate, as the panels regulate humidity and bind pollutants from the air, among other things.
Combined with our bed system made of 100 % natural materials, we offer our guests a natural and healthy sleeping climate at the highest level:
A little story about this:
Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a man who was searching for the meaning of life. One night he fell asleep under a starry sky by the sea and had a fantastic dream. He dreamt that he knew how people could dream more. Without wasting time, he got a nimble craftsman to build beds and an old woman to sew pillows. He bought a spinning wheel and yarn, goose down and duck feathers. Gathered wool and lavender, seaweed and horsehair and used it all to make a bed. And the bed turned out so well that it made his dream come true.
At Avaneo Hotels, you sleep on it:
On handmade, metal-free luxury beds from Coco-Mat - sleep on nature!