Skirt Steak once a month at the Avaneo Bistro & Pizzeria

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Every 3rd or 4th Tuesday of the month, we serve crown meat in the Avaneo Bistro & Pizzeria in Marktredwitz, freshly prepared in a strong root stock and in summer also from the charcoal grill.

14.00 EUR per portion

Next Date

  • Tuesday, 01/23/2024

Service times

  • 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Crown Meat Dates

JanuaryTuesday, 01/23/2024
FebruaryTuesday, 02/20/2024
MarchTuesday, 03/19/2024
AprilTuesday, 04/16/2024
MayTuesday, 05/21/2024
JuneTuesday, 06/18/2024
JulyTuesday, 07/16/2024
AugustTuesday, 08/20/2024
SeptemberTuesday, 09/17/2024
OctoberTuesday, 10/15/2024
NovemberTuesday, 11/19/2024
DecemberTuesday, 12/17/2024